A Network that's more than Social.

Make Connections, Build Communities, Contribute to Something Greater.

Privacy Aware

You choose what is shared with whom. Share with the world or use privacy groups to share with a select group of your connections.

Build Community

Create a channel to communicate on behalf of yourself, your brand, or your organization.
Create a forum to collaborate and converse. Advanced moderation tools help keep trolls and spam at bay and access controls can limit participants.

Share Images, Documents and More!

Take your channel to the next level. Add Cloud Storage, a wiki, and other applications. Do more than just socialize, put the net to WORK using one of the most advanced collaborative web platforms ever created.

Take control of your News Feed. Sign up NOW!

YOU decide what you see. Your followers decide what they see from you.

Many social media services make money by holding your posts hostage and making others pay to send their posts to you. They manipulate you with their algorithms by taking control of what you see and controlling what posts are seen by your followers. Big centralized social media sites increase their profits by reducing the reach of your posts so that they can sell you "boosts" and "sponsored posts." Even after you shell out the cash, there's no guarantee your post will reach all the people who want to hear from you! If that wasn't enough, they collect all kinds of data by spying on what you say to whom, what posts you read, which posts your followers read and like and comment on and use it to sell advertising space to let others manipulate you into buying their services. Even your private messages aren't private! they are scanned for clues about what products to sell to you or your followers.

Zot.Social does none of that. Your public posts sent to everyone who has asked to receive them. If you send your posts to a privacy group, everyone on that list gets an encrypted copy. When you follow someone, you receive their posts (unless they chose not to send it to you or a serious network problem prohibits it).

We don't choose what you will see or when you will see it. You do. We give you access to tools like the affinity slider, privacy groups, saved searches and more to organize your feed.

Zot.Social puts you in control of the information you send and the information you see.

Made for Conversation. Made for Collaboration

With Zot.Social, you can do more than just socialize. Work together with others on an advanced platform that takes privacy seriously and has built in access controls. Share pictures, documents, and ideas and control who can access them. Collaborate in groups large or small and put the net to work using an advanced privacy aware social platform made for more than sharing images and shouting opinions to the masses.

Made for people. Made to build community.

Zot.Social is about communities. It's about the SOCIAL, not the MEDIA. It's about communication, not advertising and marketing. Zot.Social puts people at the center of a platform that empowers you to build and strengthen connections, communicate and collaborate. With Zot.Social, you have the tools to make a difference rather than be sold to and manipulated.

Zot.Social is part of something bigger than itself

Your Zot.Social account connects you to more than a single private service run by a single company. An account on Zot.Social gives you access to "the Grid;" a worldwide network of servers and websites run by many different individuals, companies and community groups. The Grid uses standard Web technology and runs on top of the Internet.

Zot.Social is the Internet for the 21st Century. When you establish an identity on Zot.Social, you have all that you need to privately and securely access resources that others on the Grid give you permission to access. There's no creating a new usernames and password for each and every new service. Your Zot.Social account is all you need.

With Zot.Social you can share data with anyone else on the Grid. Zot.Social gives you access to Grid enabled services using very fine-grained access control. You just need to establish a connection and grant permission.

YOUR data is YOURS. Zot.Social is your on-ramp to a decentralized network that puts you in charge of your data!

With Zot.Social, you aren't locked in to using our service. YOU have control over your data. If you decide to change servers, you won't need to "start over" or re-establish your connections and rebuild your social graph. Even if Zot.Social goes out of business, you can keep your conversations; keep your files; you can even keep all your connections and followers! If you prefer, you can even set up your own server and host your data yourself!

Zot.Social is built on top of Hubzilla, an Open Source Distributed Web Application Platform. Zot.Social is just one hub on the global Grid. Once you have an identity on "the Grid," YOU have the freedom to choose the home for your data.

Your Zot.Social identity is "Nomadic".. It isn't permanently tied to a single server or service provider. Nomadic Identity means you can't be censored and you can't lose access to your data. Clone your data on one or more servers anywhere in the world. Log in and use any clone at any time. As you work, the data in your nomadic aware applications is constantly synchronized to all of your other clones.

Zot.Social with Nomadic Identity gives you the freedom and flexibility that is not found with any other service.

Free yourself from service-provider lock-in. Start your FREE Zot.Social account NOW!